My first week on Computer & Internet subject was funny. We had only one lecture class in week 1. Because in 24th of January it was public holiday, that is why we didn't study. My first lecture was one day before the public holiday, in 23.01.2013.
Actually, in first class we introduced ourselves to our new group and lecturer. Our lecturer's name is Azamuddin AB Rahman.
Later on we had Ice-Breaking Session, we already got know each other, so later lecturer explained us why we should study ICT, what does it consists of and so on. I understood that we need it is:
A generic course for your future studies programmed, either in IT-related field, Business or others.
WHAT is the course all about? |
Moreover we were informed about:
- Lecture Schedule
- Assessment Components
- Assignments which are going to be in this trimester
- Learning Portfolio & Blog Development
- and etc...
In addition, in my first class of Computer and Internet we passed about the rules and regulations in class: